Discover more about DNA, genes and genomes

We apply and explore genomic technologies at scale to advance understanding of biology and improve health.

About Us

Our vision

The Wellcome Sanger Institute is a world leader in genome research that delivers insights into human, evolutionary and pathogen biology.

In order to achieve our vision and deliver on our mission to “apply and explore genomic technologies at scale to advance understanding of biology and improve health”.

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A woman wearing a lab coat and gloves, working in a laboratory checking graph/levels on a large technology computer
A young person taking part in a science experiment

Wellcome Connecting Science: Science for everyone

Part of the same organisation as the Wellcome Sanger Institute, funded by Wellcome, and based on the Wellcome Genome Campus, UK, our programme is focussed on learning, training, and engagement with genomics.

Wellcome Connecting Science’s mission is to enable everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society

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Meet our people

We have over 1,300 people at the Sanger Institute, from 70+ nationalities. We know that the success of our institute depends on our people.

Explore what our employees, students, and alumni from across our Institute have to say about what they do, life at Sanger Institute and more.

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A man standing in front of science machinery

Explore all opportunities to work at the Wellcome Sanger Institute

Now is a great time to join us. We are taking on some of the most exciting challenges in science.

We would not be able to do our research without being able to draw on the diversity of experience, skills and knowledge. We aim to attract, recruit, retain and develop talent from the widest possible talent pool, thereby gaining insight and access to different markets to generate a greater impact on the world.
